Evolving Java-based APIs – Eclipsepedia
Jazz colleague Jim des Rivieres’ excellent analysis on how to achieve compatible evolution of Java-based APIs. Need something similar on compatible evolution of REST-based APIs.
IBM WebSphere Developer Technical Journal: Advanced authentication in WebSphere Application Server
Deep into the realm of advanced authentication in WAS, building on top of JAAS. Via Pete Birk of the WAS security dev team.
Excellent set of early (in web years) articles on REST.
Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures
Fielding’s excellent thesis which describes the REST architectural style but also has an interesting discussion on the topic of architectural styles in general.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol — HTTP/1.1
The final word on all things HTTP.
Fascinating writings and links from Google’s Director of Research.
Fiddler HTTP Debugger – A free web debugging tool
Eric Lawrence’s very useful tool for monitoring network traffic (including XHR) between browsers and a server.
NevOn: Interview: Mike Wing, IBM – May 20, 2005
2005 interview with Mike Wing (VP of Strategic Communications at IBM) when blogging was new at IBM.