On Monday there were two notable changes at the Jazz.net web site I manage:

  • We opened up registration to everyone (previously it had only been to Rational customers and business partners)
  • We made the Jazz Team Blog public

I wrote the first entry on the Jazz team blog, and it outlines the sorts of things we’re going to write about over there.

Also, I created a video that provides a tour of Jazz.net in case you’re ambivalent about registering but curious about what’s behind the curtain.

Finally, I’m guessing that I’ll probably write many, if not most, of my work-related blog entries (Jazz, Ajax, etc.) over on the Jazz Team Blog, so you may want to subscribe to that if you’re into my writing on those topics. I’m currently working on an entry over there that explains how some of the early lessons learned developing the Jazz Web UI technology led to my UI design opinions that I captured in my “Uncanny Valley of UI design” post.